2024 Junior National Show Rules

Exhibitor Rules For All Shows

  1. All junior exhibitors must be paid active members of the American-International Junior Charolais Association (AIJCA).
  2. Junior exhibitors, 8 years of age or older on May 20, 2024, are eligible to show at Junior National. If a junior member is 21 years of age as of January 1 of the junior national year, he or she is eligible to show at the Junior National.
  3. Eligibility of Entries: Registration and/or transfer of ownership must be recorded in the AICA office in the sole name of the exhibitor by May 1, 2024 or May 15, 2024 for late registration with a fee. LATE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
  4. All junior exhibitors must participate in one Junior National Contest to be eligible to compete in the cattle shows.
  5. Health Requirements: All cattle must have official identification and be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) that lists official identification issued within thirty (30) days of event start date. Examples of TAHC acceptable official identification are: Purebred registry tattoos, a USDA approved alphanumeric tag, Brucellosis (calfhood) vaccination tag, or USDA approved RFID or 840 series tag. Electronic CVIs are acceptable. Additional statement required on CVI’s: ‘All cattle are for exhibition purposes and returning to the state of origin.’ Rules and regulations of the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) must be adhered to. Contact the TAHC Program Records Department, 512-719-0777, for specific questions related to animal movement requirements
    • Additional Bull Entry Requirements:
    • Bulls over 12 months of age require an Entry permit OR negative Trichomoniasis test is required within 60 days prior to entry, with an official Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test. Entry permits can be obtained by calling the Texas Animal Health Commission at 512-719-0777 or email permits@tahc.texas.gov.
    • Bulls less than 12 months of age must be accompanied by a commission or any state approved trichomoniasis virgin status certificate. The CVI must include a statement reflecting the virgin bull status.
  6. Any breeding animal upon check-in, which does not have a legible tattoo or firebrand number, corresponding to its registration certificate, is ineligible to show. Once disqualified, animals cannot be re-tattooed and re-checked at the show.
  7. No aid can be given in the showring (one animal - one exhibitor), except by the ring stewards.
  8. Any exhibitor who loses control of his/her entry twice in the showring will be required to remove the animal from the ring.
  9. Animals from the same state/affiliate association will be stalled together.
  10. All junior exhibitors must wear the official applicable years’ Junior National T-shirt when showing entries—excluding showmanship contest.
  11. Each exhibitor is expected to take entire care of his/her animal(s) after arriving at the show. AIJCA members are encouraged to use the help of other AIJCA members.
  12. Each animal will be presented in the showring in its natural conformation. Surgical alterations are allowed only if there is a medical reason and this includes an explanation from a veterinarian. Use of artificial tailheads is not permitted. No artificial filling.
  13. Effective October 22, 2004, at any American-International Charolais Association (AICA) sanctioned show, the use of a coloring agent, flock and powder is prohibited. Use of these products will result in the immediate disqualification of a given animal at such show.
  14. No nurse cows allowed except for nursing females entered in individual classes (including cow-calf classes). Calf must show with cow entry.
  15. No substitution at the halter except for illness or if exhibitor has two animals in the same class. Only another AIJCA member may show the animal. Notice of this situation must be given to the AICA Youth Activities Coordinator prior to the show.
  16. Any infraction of the aforementioned rules and regulations will result in immediate disqualification of the animal concerned and forfeiture of premiums.
  17. All protests must be submitted to the AICA Youth Activities Coordinator in writing and must be accompanied by $25 no later than one hour after conclusion of show. If protest is not sustained, monies will be forfeited.
  18. All exhibits of Charolais breeding cattle shall be governed by the American-International Charolais Association Rules & Regulations, Article XV and special show rules.
  19. Entry fees will not be refunded if animal(s) is not eligible for exhibition.
  20. All entries will be released following the completion of the Show on Friday, June 28.
  21. Enforcement of these rules, pertaining to the show, shall be the responsibility of a committee consisting of the AICA Youth Activities Coordinator, three junior members appointed by that administrator, the AICA Director of Activities and the AICA Junior Council Chairman.

Bedding Fee ($55) Includes

Common Bulk Bedding Provided in Stalls and Tie-Outs.
*Fee included with animal entry.
Additional bedding available for purchase on-site.

Owned Heifer Show

  1. Eligible purebred heifers must have been born on or after September 1, 2022.
  2. Heifers must be purebred and the junior must hold full interest and possession of the cattle by May 15, 2024. See general exhibitor rule #3.
  3. A $90 entry fee ($100 late entry fee) will be charged for each animal. No refunds on heifer show entries. Bedding fee ($55) part of entry fee
  4. Bring the original registration certificate(s) on your animal(s) to the show. Only original certificates of registration will be accepted. No photocopies.
  5. Premiums:
    • Grand Champion - $600
    • Reserve Grand Champion - $300
    • Third Overall Champion - no premiums
    • Fourth Overall Champion - no premiums
    • Fifth Overall Champion - no premiums

    Third, Fourth and Fifth Overall Owned Females will be selected from Division Champions and Reserve Division Champions.

    • Division Champions - no premiums
    • Reserve Divisions - no premiums
    • Class Placings: First – $150, Second – $100, Third – $75, Fourth – $50
  6. The Owned Heifer Show will be broken into classes at the discretion of the show classification committee. Owned Heifer Show classes will be divided into 7 divisions, plus a cow-calf division. Classes and divisions will be broken as proportionately to age and class size as possible.
    Cow-Calf Class: Calf must be purebred and the cow’s natural calf, not embryo transplant. Calf to be no more than 250 days of age by day of show. Calf(s) must be tattooed and registered. Bull calves shown at the side of cow are not required to have a nose lead. Cow must be born on or before August 31, 2022. Calf not eligible to compete in individual calf classes if shown with dam.
    Pair is eligible for Grand or Reserve Grand Champion Female. Cow-calf pair included in State Group of Three will be considered a single animal unit.
  7. State Group of Three: Entries consist of three heifers-from same state or recognized affiliate and shown by their respective owners; no limit to the number of entries per state or affiliate. No premiums paid.

Bred & Owned Heifer Show

  1. Eligible purebred heifers must have been born on or after September 1, 2022.
  2. Heifers must be purebred and list the junior exhibitor, and only the junior exhibitor, as current owner. Juniors must be listed as the breeder to be eligible for this show. See general exhibitor rule #3.
  3. Entries in the Bred and Owned Heifer Show must also be entered in the Owned Heifer Show.
  4. A $10 entry fee ($20 late entry fee) will be charged for each bred and owned heifer entry. No refunds on bred and owned heifer show entries.
  5. Bring the original registration certificate(s) on your animal(s) to the show. Only original certificates of registration will be accepted. No photocopies.
  6. Premiums:
    • Grand Champion - $300
    • Reserve Grand Champion - $150
    • Third Overall Champion - no premiums
    • Fourth Overall Champion - no premiums
    • Fifth Overall Champion - no premiums

    Third, Fourth and Fifth Overall Bred and Owned Females will be selected from Division Champions and Reserve Division Champions.
    70% of entry fees received. Payback will be based on the number of entries in each class.

  7. The Bred and Owned Heifer Show will be broken into classes at the discretion of the show classification committee. Bred and Owned Heifer Show classes will be divided into 4 divisions, plus a cow-calf division. Classes and divisions will be broken as proportionately to age and class size as possible.
  8. State Group of Three: Entries consist of three heifers–from the same state or recognized affiliate and shown by their respective owners; no limit to the number of entries per state or affiliate. No premiums paid.

Bred & Owned Bull Show

  1. Eligible bulls for this show must have been born on or after January 1, 2023. See general exhibitor rule #5 for additional health requirements.
  2. Bulls must be purebred and bred and owned by the junior exhibitor. The junior exhibitor must be listed as the breeder, first and continuous owner of the bull on the registration paper.
  3. Entry fee is $100 ($110 late entry fee). Bedding fee ($55) part of entry fee.
  4. All bulls must be shown with a nose lead (including strap). All bulls born on or before August 31, 2023 must have a permanent nose ring.
  5. Any exhibitor who loses control of his/her entry once in the showring will be required to remove the animal from the ring, no exceptions.
  6. Bulls calved on or before April 30, 2023 must have a satisfactory semen evaluation from a veterinarian or semen collection facility.
  7. The number of classes will be determined by the total number of bull entries. Classes will be broken as proportionately to age and class size as possible.
  8. Premiums: 70% of entry fees received. Payback will be based on the number of entries in each class.

Steer Show

  1. Steers must have certificate of recordation with the AICA. Steers must be composed of at least 50% Charolais parentage.
  2. Steers will be subject to sift by a committee during processing. Steers must exhibit physical characteristics of an animal that is at least 50% purebred Charolais. Committee’s decision is final.
  3. Entry fee is $100 ($110 late entry fee). No refunds on steer entries. Bedding fee ($55) part of entry fee.
  4. NEW! All steers will be weighed and divided by weight into classes at the discretion of the show classification committee. There is no minimum or maximum weight limit for market steers.
  5. All steers must be stalled in the barns with the exhibitor’s state.
  6. Premiums: 70% of entry fees received. Payback will be based on the number of entries in each class.
  7. The number of classes will be determined and announced after processing has been completed.
  8. State Group of Three: Entries consist of three steers—from the same state or recognized affiliate and shown by their respective owners; no limit to the number of entries per state or affiliate. No premiums paid.

Percentage Heifer Show

  1. Eligible percentage heifers must have been born on or after September 1, 2022. No Cow-Calf Class will be offered.
  2. Percentage heifers must be composed of at least 50% and no more than 15/16 Charolais parentage. Heifers must have a certificate of recordation with the AICA.
  3. A $90 entry fee ($100 late entry fee) will be charged for each entry. No refunds on percentage show entries. Bedding fee ($55) part of entry fee.
  4. All percentage heifers must be stalled in the barns with the exhibitor’s state.
  5. Premiums: 70% of entry fees received. Payback will be based on the number of entries in each class
  6. The Percentage Heifer Show will be broken into classes at the discretion of the show classification committee. Percentage Heifer Show classes will be divided into 4 divisions. Classes and divisions will be broken as proportionately to age and class size as possible.
    1. NEW! Grand and Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Percentage Heifer will be selected from the highest placing bred & owned heifer in each class. To be eligible for this division, juniors must be listed as the breeder and dams must be registered with the AICA. Eligible heifers will be shown in a lead-out class at the completion of the show if the Percentage Heifer Champion and Reserve are not bred and owned.
  7. State Group of Three: Entries consist of three percentage heifers—from the same state or recognized affiliate and shown by their respective owners; no limit to the number of entries per state or affiliate. No premiums paid.



Sponsored by Riverdale Land & Livestock
This $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to the Exhibitor of the Grand Champion Owned Female.
Thank you to Bill Nottke, Sunset Hills, Mo. for beginning this sponsorship in 2020.


Sponsored by Lehman Charolais
This $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to the Exhibitor of the Grand Champion Percentage Heifer.
Larry and Robbie Lehman, Tioga, Texas have sponsored the Grand Champion Percentage Heifer Scholarship since 2005.


In Memory of Carol Doughty, Big Creek Charolais
This $500 scholarship will be awarded to the Exhibitor of the Grand Champion Bred & Owned Female in memory of Carol Doughty, Big Creek Charolais.

American-International Charolais Association
11700 NW Plaza Circle  |  Kansas City, MO 64153
Phone: 816-464-5977  |  Fax: 816-464-5759
Visit edjecattle.com
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© 2025, American-International Charolais Association.