
2024 AIJCA Junior National

June 23-28, 2024
Cadence Bank Center
Belton, Texas

  Junior National Participant Information

One registration form per (junior or adult) participant.

( ) - Ext.

  Show Entries

Refer to the show rules and regulations before completing this portion. Entry not valid unless registration paper is in the EXHIBITOR'S NAME by the entry deadline. If additional animal entries are needed, please email Kaitlyn.

PUREBRED HEIFERS (Owned and Bred & Owned)

Calved after September 1, 2022

Entry not valid unless REGISTRATION paper is in the EXHIBITOR'S NAME by the entry deadline.

If your heifer entry will be shown in the Bred & Owned Heifer Show ($10 entry fee required), you must place a check mark in the box, following the heifer's AICA Reg. #. Bred & Owned heifers are not automatically entered in the Bred & Owned Heifer Show, but must be entered in the "Owned Show" to be eligible for the Bred & Owned Show.


Entry not valid unless REGISTRATION paper is in the EXHIBITOR'S NAME by the entry deadline.

If your cow/calf entry will be shown in the Bred & Owned Show ($10 entry fee required), you must place a check mark in the box, following the cow's AICA Reg. #. Bred & Owned cow/calf pairs are not automatically entered in the Bred & Owned Show, but must be entered in the "Owned Show" to be eligible for the Bred & Owned Show.


Calved after January 1, 2023

Bulls must be purebred and bred and owned by the junior exhibitor. The junior exhibitor must be listed as the breeder, first and continuous owner of the bull on the registration paper. All bulls must be shown with a nose lead (including strap). All bulls born on or before August 31, 2023 must have a permanent nose ring.


Calved after September 1, 2022

Entry not valid unless RECORDATION paper is in the EXHIBITOR'S NAME by the entry deadline.


Steers must have certificate of recordation with the AICA. Entry not valid unless RECORDATION paper is in the EXHIBITOR'S NAME by the entry deadline

Entry form will not be processed if you are not a member of AIJCA and/or if your 2024 AIJCA dues have not been paid. Do not include your initial membership fee or your dues payment in your entry fees! Membership fees and due payments can only be paid by CHECK payable to AICA or by calling AICA 816-464-5977 to pay by credit card.

  Contest Entries

Please check the boxes you will be participating in. All junior exhibitors must participate in one Junior National Contest to be eligible to compete in the cattle shows.

Refer to the Contest Rules and Regulations before completing this portion. Participants are responsible to know and follow all contest rules.

Weaver Livestock Showmanship Contest - $10 before May 1, $20 from May 2-15
Resume & Interview Contest - Ages 15 and up, Online Submission by June 1!
Prepared Speech Contest
Impromptu Speech Contest
Poster Contest - Junior Division Only (12 and Under )
Photo Contest - Online Entry Submissions by June 1!
Graphic Design Contest - Intermediate & Senior Divisions, Online Submission by June 1!
Talent Contest
Art Contest
Cook-off Contest
Quiz Bowl Contest
Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University Team Fitting Contest
Team Sales
If you would like to participate in team competition(s) but will not have enough members, indicate which contests:

  T-Shirt Orders

Indicate sizes below.

One Free T-shirt per Junior National registered participant - junior and adult. Indicate T-shirt size below (adult sizes only).
If you order an extra T-shirt(s), also indicate size(s) below.
* Extra t-shirt is $15 before May 1 and $25 from May 2-15

  Additional Items

Be A Mentor - Any Junior running for Area Director is required to participate
Request A Mentor

Purchase of this RockChar Meal Ticket offers 4 Lunches and 1 Dinner (5 meals) in addition to the Conference Welcome Dinner and AIJCA Awards Dinner & Banquet Ticket provided to all registered participants. Conference registration is required for eligibility.  $35 before May 1, $45 from May 2-15
I would like to purchase the RockChar Meal Ticket
$15 before May 1, $25 from May 2-15

By completing this conference registration form, each participant receives one AIJCA Awards Dinner & Banquet Ticket. This section is to purchase tickets for additional guests to attend the Awards Banquet. $35 before May 1, $45 from May 2-15


$15 before May 1, $25 from May 2-15

  Authorization & Liability

Authorization For Emergency Care To Minors (Under 18)
To be completed by parent or legal guardian.

I, the undersigned parent or legal guardian of the minor listed, do hereby authorize any X-ray, examination, anesthetic, dental, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment by any physician or dentist licensed by the state and hospital service that may be rendered to said minor under the general, specific or special consent of:
The temporary custodian of the minor(s); whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of the physician or dentist, or at a hospital licensed by the state, I authorize the physician or dentist to call in any necessary consultant at his discretion. I further authorize said physician or dentist to exercise his discretion in authorizing the disposal of any severed tissue or member. It is understood that this consent is given in advance of any specific diagnosis or treatment being required, but is given to encourage the temporary custodian of the minor(s), and said physician or dentist to exercise their best judgment as to the requirements of such diagnosis or medical or dental treatment.

List known allergies of minor:
This consent shall remain effective until Midnight on June 29, 2024, unless sooner resolved in writing, delivered to said physician or dentist or said person instructed with the custody, care and control of said minor child or children.
By checking this box, I consent to the above (must be checked by parent or legal guardian)
In case of emergency, please provide phone numbers of people who should be contacted:
Phone #

Liability Release
To be completed by all participants

I verify that I have read the rules, regulations, and Agreement of Responsibility and Liability including the COVID-19 statement, related to participating and exhibition in the American-International Junior Charolais Association Junior National event and agree to adhere to all the rules and regulations accordingly.
Junior Participant:
I have read and understand the above statement.
Parent or Guardian:
I have read and understand the above statement.

  Summary of Order

Registration & Other Fees

Animal entry fees are automatically calculated based on the entries completed above.

In order to adjust the fees, clear or add animal entries in the appropriate animal categories.

Pay By Credit Card
Pay By Check

Entry will not be processed until payment is received in the AICA office. If paying by check, it must be postmarked by May 1st for the first deadline and May 15th for the second deadline.




Please review the form closely before clicking Add to Cart. To make changes, participants’ entries must be deleted from the cart and re-entered. All confirmations and event correspondence will be sent to the email provided.

American-International Charolais Association
11700 NW Plaza Circle  |  Kansas City, MO 64153
Phone: 816-464-5977  |  Fax: 816-464-5759
Visit edjecattle.com
Cattle Web Design by EDJE
© 2025, American-International Charolais Association.