
  Basic Registration Form & Instructions

Use the Basic Registration Form to register animals individually without weights. Be sure to use the appropriate codes listed in the instructions.

  Registration Form and Weaning Worksheet for PPR and WHR Members

This form allows for registration of multiple calves and submitting weaning data all at once. Performance data should be submitted in contemporary groups. Be sure to use the appropriate codes listed in the instructions.

  Performance Sheet

Utilize this sheet to turn in weight data. Actual weaning weights should be taken between 140 and 270 days of age. Yearling weights must be taken at least 70 days after the weaning weigh date. Actual yearling weights should be taken between 270 and 430 days of age.

  Fee Sheet

Include this fee sheet with any paperwork submitted to AICA. All Registration Department fees are listed including – animal registrations, transfers, enrollment programs and memberships.

  Request DNA Kit

In order to create a DNA kit, AICA needs the animal’s registration number or P number (not fully registered number), and barcodes if applicable (applies to blood and tissue samples) as the kits are specific to the animal. Please indicate which tests you would like ran on the samples, 100K (includes parentage and genomically enhanced EPDs) must be ran, other options are Horned/Polled and Bovine Progressive Ataxia. DNA kits can be mailed or emailed to you. Please allow 4-6 weeks for testing. Contact AICA with all questions regarding all your DNA work questions.


  Transfer of Semen

Use of an out-of-herd sire will require a signing to register calves at AICA. Electronic signatures can be transferred utilizing AICA’s Online Registration System.

  Membership Applications

Active/Adult and junior memberships can be obtained for the American-International Charolais Association or American-International Junior Charolais Association respectively. AICA dues must be current to participate in inventory programs and receive member pricing within the Registration Department.


The codes list includes disposal, breeding and management codes that are to be used on AICA Registration Forms.

American-International Charolais Association
11700 NW Plaza Circle  |  Kansas City, MO 64153
Phone: 816-464-5977  |  Fax: 816-464-5759
Cattle Web Design by EDJE
© 2025, American-International Charolais Association.